An introduction

Hi there internet person. My name's in the domain name. If you're reading this you likely already have a brief understanding of who I am, and if you sporadically found me online then awesome! Hi, again!

My life mission is to reduce human suffering, speak truthfully, and create experiential and tangible beauty wherever possible.

That sounds like a mouthful, I know.
What does that mean in practice Anthony? Are you a monk or something?

No, I am no monk. In fact, I've got long hair.

Rather, I believe that while we cannot control the cards we're given in life, we have the responsibility to play our cards as best we can. Settling into the perfectly flawed present.

My personal narrative involves a life full of joyful projects:

  • Director at Runners High Group Limited (RHG) a human centric running experience aimed at giving the average person the tools to succeed. You can read more here
  • Masters of Science in Kinesiology with a Dipolma in Neuroscience focused on thinking and moving at the same time in an increasingly technologically complicated world
A little more about my gradute studies

At York University in Toronto, Canada I study under my phenomenal Supervisor Professor Lauren E. Sergio.

My Master's involves many aspects of cutting edge technology and is not limited to:

  • The development of Augmented Reality interventions using Unity for clinical participants including individuals with concussion, stroke and other neurodegenerative disorders with a particular focus on reduced cognition
  • MATLAB code for the analysis and processing of the BrDI task (Brain Dysfunction Indicator)
  • The frontend developement and product management of the Gamat application on the Apple App Store - a physiotherapist's backpocket objective gait and mobility assessment tool

Outside of work hours I do my best to stay present and live joyfully.

My current intention is to make a splash and have a fun time doing it, if my perspective and projects interest you feel free to follow along! Subscribe and you will get email updates about once a month about what is new in my life and where my sporadic journey takes me.



Chief Humanity Officer